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Start SPARKing Your Impact Course
Why Spark Your Impact?
Video: Why you should Spark Your Impact (2:50)
Article: What to Expect in This Course
What is Impact?
Video: What is Impact? (1:52)
Quiz: What's your Impact Status?
Reflection: Defining Impact
Reflection: Aligning Goals and Actions
Reflection: Metrics & KPIs
Exercise: Impact Statements
Impact + Learning
Video: Impact + Learning (1:32)
Exercise: L&D Success Matrix
Quiz: L&D Current State
Reflection: Impact + Learning
Spark Your Impact
Article: The SPARK Method
Video: SPARK in Action (1:07)
Exercise: SPARK in Action
Keep Learning: SPARK in Action
TMS Impact Model
Article: TMS Impact Model
Video: Driving Impact (0:57)
Exercise: TMS Impact Model
Keep Learning: TMS Impact Model
Spark Forward
Reflection: SPARK Forward
Video: Key Takeaways (1:32)
Keep Learning: What's Next? (0:15)
Video: SPARK in Action
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